Cosmetic Dentistry

We invite you to come in for a comprehensive examination of your dental needs, and an explanation of the options that modern dentistry can provide to improve the appearance of your smile.

We’ll create an individualized treatment plan detailing our recommendations based on your own needs and desires, and explain how Dr. Midgley can restore your whole mouth so it works comfortably and beautifully.

At our office, we take the time to listen to the concerns you may have relating to the appearance of your teeth. Dr. Midgley will put together a treatment plan that best suits your needs and budget. Most cosmetic improvements are easier and less expensive than you may think.

Do I need Cosmetic Dentistry?

Ask yourself the following questions, and the answer should be clearer:

  1. Do I feel self-conscious when I smile or laugh?
  2. Do I have a habit of covering my mouth when I talk or smile?
  3. Can people tell I'm a smoker by the colour of my teeth?
  4. Are there embarrassing gaps or chipped, crooked or misaligned teeth in my mouth?
  5. Do you ever see someone and wish you had teeth that looked like theirs?

These are all very common concerns that we deal with every day in our office. The good news is that cosmetic solutions to all these, and many other, dental problems are not out of reach for the average person.


Some of the Cosmetic Dental Procedures offered:

• Whitening

• Dental Bonding

• Veneers & Crowns

• Fixing Chipped or Broken Teeth

Call our office today at 519-743-1172 or to book an appointment!